Dreamland's silent disco takes dance parties to the next level! Enjoy 3 stations of music transmitted wirelessly and noiselssly to colored LED headsets. Don't like what's playing? Change the station! Volume too loud? Turn it down! Want to chat with someone? Take off your headsets and it will be nice and quiet, and chuckle while you watch everyone dance and sing in virtual silence. We will be playing EDM and dance music on the blue channel, mashups on red, and throwbacks on green. Check out a video of one of our recent parties here. Learn how to use headsets here.
Dreamland breaks down social barriers by providing glow bracelets to partygoers. You can wear any combination of bracelets to indicate how social you are feeling:
Green = Single and looking to mingle.
Blue = Looking to make new friends / please say hi :)
Red = Do not disturb
Rainbow = LGBTQ
***A credit or debit card is required as collateral for use of EACH headset, and will be returned to you at the end of the evening upon the return of the headset. Please don't steal our headphones. They won't work at home. By purchasing an admission ticket you agree to pay $50, charged to your card, if headphones are not returned by the end of the event.***